
The educational program was excellent. It received great feedback from our team. The instruction was really appreciated; she did a great job illustrating the concepts, which our team found appealing.


“We had a great talk discussing the topic 'A.C.T on Stress.' That was an excellent session.”


"In my opinion, the session was just great. It was spot on, addressing every area we hoped to learn about. Everything we needed to hear was covered perfectly.“


"Patholab’s heart health session was a wake-up call, giving our team practical steps to own their health."


“The sessions on breast cancer and prostate cancer were very interactive. The way she handled the presentations made them very relatable for us. It is something we will definitely partner with you to do again”


“Insightful and engaging session on breast cancer! Staff found it clear, informative, and are eager for more.”


“The facilitator’s talk was captivating! The SMART acronym was a powerful reminder for healthy living.“


“The session was both practical and interactive. Team members found it motivating to take their health seriously. It was accessible for both office and field staff, and we are considering follow-up arrangements for health screenings.”


“The session on UTIs was engaging and informative. We’ve noticed a reduction in staff complaints since then, indicating a positive impact.”


“I have had the pleasure of working with Patholab, specifically Elizabeth-Irene, for quite a number of years now. It has always been a pleasure, and we are assured of getting a top-notch engagement anytime we have a session.”
